Saturday, February 25, 2006


my dad has a telescope. i never had the opportunity to use it. i was just thinking about how nice it would be to look into the night sky with a telescope. the closest i've come is in the game MYST - the first one of the series - where you have to go into the observation deck to find constellations for certain dates. sad - yes.

I'm just working on deal memos - and now have to call my female Gidim-zul to talk to her about her role. This is me procrastinating. I often wonder how big of a blog I would have if I was still in University in residence - due to procrastination (it truly is an art form).

Listening to LOTR and The Beach soundtracks. "While we were hunting Rabbits" by MG is on the mix today as well. Although, songs with words can distract me too much when I'm typing out documents.

Tina brought the scrapbook that the girls had made for me when we met up last Sunday. I read through it again today - it's been since December that I have seen it (Tina held onto it as I was going to church and couldn't carry it). I just want to say how beautiful it is. I never really took my own pictures in University - and always wanted to nab my friends' photos to make doubles. Instead, they built me a collage scrapbook of our years as 'Swines' and growing as friends. It's amazing to go back and see what the world was like - how young we looked (although I haven't changed that much) - and just remembering the great times. I can't say that I enjoyed my schooling so much at YU. I honestly feel that most of my tuition money was wasted on 'mandatory' classes that I barely focused on, and there were very few professors in the Film Department that I truly felt were valuable to building my knowledge and understanding within the medium. The few that were important influences in my education were amazing I guess that makes up for it? That's what I used to tell myself to make me feel better about the incredible amount of money I spent on schooling. All that said, I have never once regretted the money spent on living in Tatham Hall for four years in a row (rm. 610 all four years) - the friendships you build at University truly are ones that you carry through your life (at least this much is true for myself).

Aucky is really loud right now. Outside of the constant running on the wheel (which is healthy for him), he has now taken to running into his chew tube and somehow ramming it into the side of the cage - very loudly. I can't say that it was fun to listen to this morning while I was napping on the couch. He's been super hyper lately - I have no idea why. The other thing that he does is climb into this 'loft' area above his maze and just stand on two feet scratching at the roof of this area. For long periods at a time - straight through. The other day I was wondering how I will feel when he passes away. They only live 1.5-2 years MAX. He's almost one. I have grown to love him dearly - he's the closest thing to a puppy I have owned.

25 days to go.

watching Saw II tonight. might go for a walk through downtown TO after that - sit at City Hall (on the upper level) and just take some time to breathe through this. Making Skor cake tomorrow for the PotLuck after set up. So yummy - but it is only wise to make this when many people will be eating it - sooooo rich/fattening. :p

I'm feeling blank today. Hopefully this will change.


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