Tuesday, February 21, 2006

eating a box of raisins...

dinner. i remember studying at YU, and basically forgetting to eat. I would eat arrowroots, soda biscuits and icing(was in the fridge - you eat anything when you are hungry and don't have time to shop). Sandra would come into my room to pick me up for a dinner break and generally find me in this dyre situation.

I don't think i'm that much smarter. I should make a salad. The good thing is that I finally opened that box of raisins that has been decorating my one shelf for a few months. yum.

I'm listening to "Closure" by Chevelle - and it's just the right tone for me. Today was a day. UGH

Tomorrow will be that much better - :p

I think it's my 'crunch' time and i'm starting to feel it. One person getting pulled in a million directions is difficult. Next film - we will have an office support crew - which will make all of our lives easier. :)

I met with Brian Dugan at WFW today. They are a great team. I accidentally met a crew member too who works there - Bob. He is funny! :) Anyway - I was there for about 2.5hrs. I had travelled down on the TTC with a day pass (mental note - when money is plentiful, must buy car again). Well, when I was heading out, we noticed that it started to snow A LOT. I had branched off from my meeting with whites, to speak to an individual from Tellavision (same bldg) - and by the time I was finished there, Brian came back to tell me that Bob would drive me to my next location. :) That was super awesome of him. This was a way to informally get to know Bob - he is super pumped up about the film...which is very nice!

Anyway. From there I went to discover the true cost of HD tapes (ugh) and then on to meet with Martin and John at T2W. That was super nice to hang out with them for a bit. I was setting up our account with them for this film, and catching up. They are also amazing people who I have been in affiliation with due to my years as a PA. They treat me very well.

Then I stopped in and said hello to Mr. Chow at Absolock on Dundas. I have always loved going to this location when I was a PA. It's a unique spot in the city. We cut our keys there - but this little store has the best character and the people who work there are wonderful.

I finished my runs with another run to Codes to pick up our HD tapes for the camera tests (which are now postponed). All in all, it was a great day for visiting old friends all the while setting up our new accounts. Very great. However, being away from my computer all day is very hard - and the plethera of emails is overflowing.

I sit and smile though - because I love it none the less.

I was thinking about Oscar today. Then I was thinking about Red. If you don't know me, these were my cars. Red was the first new car my family ever owned. After graduating University I wanted to get a car to have more opportunities with PA work in Film (trust me - it helped). Anyway, so after looking into a bunch of new cars, my mom decided she wanted a new car - so she bought a Mazda Protege5 and I got Red. :) She was about 11-13 years old by then. But very well kept and pretty (new paint job due to the ice falling from a building incident). My mom babied that car cause it was her tank while she did home care. Red was a Mazda 323. The radio didn't work because rain would affect the wiring - so I had a portable radio in the front with me. No air - which proved to make Red into a prison during the black out - when my sister and I were trapped in traffic in mississauga through to toronto.

Anyway - one day, while passing out my resume - and on my way to meet up with Mags to go edit a very old student film - a cube truck ran into my car. We were on Adelaide Street travelling east - I was in the left hand lane turning onto a street, and the cube truck, who was in the lane right to me, decided to turn onto the exact same street and never even looked for me. I was ahead of him, so he should have seen me. Anyway, the silver steele bumper on the front of his cube truck ripped into the side of my car, lifting my car, and eventually caught onto the door - and tore my door away from my car. It was kind of scary - cause I was locked to him and we were headed towards a telephone pole. Luckily, we stopped in time - but my car was wrecked. That was the last time Red would be driven. :(

Let me tell you - dealing with insurance companies after you've been in an accident is something I would not wish upon even people i don't like. It just plain SUCKS. It was not my fault - but they don't care. I'm not doing to revisit this moment in my life - but when it rains, it pours - and my life at the time was a whirlwind of downward spirals.

During a trip home for Thanksgiving - I went to look at cars with my dad. He pointed to Oscar - who is a 99 Mazda Protege, deep green. Anyway - i didn't have a job - and I definitely couldn't afford him - as he was like over 10,000$. Anyway - it turned out that he would be more affordable than an older car as I could take out a loan on him. Within a week, he was mine. My parents drove him to me on our way to a wedding in London. This is when my brother and i found out that the cd player doesn't work. Yuck.

Oscar and I had a long run together. However, most of our time saw him parked on the side of the road. I was working a lot when we were together. With these jobs came a production vehicle. And Oscar sat and maybe grew depressed - cause he started breaking down. A car that breaks down when it's not being used is rough. So I poured money into his facelifts. Dufferin Mazda became a second home to me - and with it, a lot of free servicing. :) Anyway, it was the end of "Zoom" and I knew that I didn't want to have a car sucking out my funds - so I had to sell the poor guy.

Can I tell you my luck? I had just put Oscar onto a new insurance plan - as I didn't sell him before my RBC one ran out. Two days later, I'm walking down the street and see a sign on my windshield. I ran up and grabbed it and ran away - not noticing anything. The note read "I'm the one who hit your car." My heart sank. I had three people coming that day to look at the car. And some guy on my street had backed his car into it and took out three major parts on the driver's side of my car (we have street parking - and this guy had a driveway). I have no idea how fast he was going because my car was hurt bad enough. Anyway - so I had to put in the claim and try to still sell my car. God really loves me, cause at the last minute (before Oscar was removed from AutoTrader) a gentleman came by to buy my car. He had been in an accident with his family (everyone is okay) and was going through the 'insurance phase' and needed to find a replacement before the rental car was taken away.

So after a quick two day transition - Oscar was signed off to this new family. In two years he will be shipped off to Africa - where this new owner said he will send it to his family. :) Wow, the life this car will see.

Whoever is still reading this must really want to know about my life - this is a long post. All this to say that I was thinking about my cars today. I love driving - there is a freedom to it. "The Red" is playing on iTunes right now and I can just imagine driving along Hwy 1. Beautiful.

Back to work. BIG BIG days ahead.

29 days and counting.


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