Saturday, February 18, 2006

hello stranger

Hello blog browser,

Welcome to my blog. As you sit there reading about my life, why not drop a line and say hello. : ) I'm quite friendly - and rarely bite.

I created this blog for my travels (which are now on a slight delay) - but have decided to begin writing my virtual diary to get into the swing of things. Funny enough, I don't know too many people who know about my blog. I don't really tell people about it. Inviting people to read my personal thoughts - it's intimidating. What if i'm having a bad writing day? What will they think?

Honestly, who cares? This is me, and i am what i am. And quite frankly, all I can do is love who God created me to be. I do serve a purpose in this world - although at times, i can't see it. I think blogging is difficult for me cause i'm a serious tangent talker. Generally i start on one line of conversation and flow into so many different tangents. I will always come back to the lost conversations to complete them. It makes it difficult to post though - cause I talk too much (it's genetic - my grandfather talks a lot!!!!). My mom used to say that when I would come home from school i would start talking half way up the driveway and hunt her and my dad down to tell them about my day. Maybe this is half true - i probably only started talking when i opened the door. Parents add such endearing exagerations. :) Anyway, the best way to get to know me might not be my blog - I'm a package deal (very lively in person). I guess we're all much livelier in person...

Internet is probably one of the most interesting inventions. We have the ability to communicate with anyone around the world through this system (as long as they can be online). So any one of the over 6 billion people in the world could be reading this right now. That's kind of cool if you think about it. And here you are, one of those people, reading about me, also one of those billions of people. For you math folk, what is the probability of falling upon someone's website while randomly searching the internet? Obviously, you (the reader) were meant to read this document. Maybe a post i have will change your life. :) wouldn't that be wonderful? :) i don't honestly know if that would happen - but hey, sometimes i say insightful things. To me, this blog is for my memories. I love the idea of memories and preserving details of my past. I can pick up a stub from an event/movie/concert and just looking at it triggers all the memories surrounding that day or time of my life. This is probably true for most of us. I love that feeling though.

I was walking to the hairdresser's today and found great enjoyment in walking in fresh piles of snow. I can't say that the snow is prolific in my area, but i found hidden piles on my journey. I like how it feels - stepping on a fresh sheet of snow. I also love how it sounds. I was taking my short cuts through to Yonge street - so I could actually hear it - not like walking downtown where the traffic drowns out detailed audio.

I really am anxious for winter to come. I am still waiting to go toboganning and sadly, it's not much of an option just yet. I have to admit that I love the transition from Winter to Spring and the whole idea of the world around me renewing itself. At the moment I feel like I'm constantly being thrown into this feeling of transition (it snows one day, +8 the next). Every time I'm on the GO Train, I look out the window and we pass the same scene - fields with melting snow or no snow. When spring time actually comes around, i'll be numb to it's arrival. Sad.

Anyway. I want to explain the adorable image that welcomed you to this wonderful little note. It's an "homage" to the swines. My rez floor was 'The Swine House' (we didn't name it!) - loved being a swine for four years in a row - as it truly was the best house in the building. Fact: swines are actually very very clean animals. So, don't judge!

If you happen to still be reading this little note - i challenge you. Post a comment! It's actually a very healthy activity. And then I will know that I am actually not writing to myself and maybe i can better cater to my viewing public. :)

And if you like challenges, i invite you to attempt a challenge i had posted in my dorm room in my 4th year - put a starburst in your mouth (fully wrapped) and try to unwrap it aided only by your teeth/tongue. And if you master that, you rock, but don't get cocky until you can take that wrapper and fold it into a paper airplane in your mouth.

I think it's impossible. I would love to meet someone who can do it though. A bunch of us tried for a full year and got no where fast.

thank you for visiting my site. I have enjoyed your company.

Virtual hugs and many blessings. and if you're interested, there's always more to come...


At 6:30 PM, Blogger CameraDawktor said...

Just passing through...thought I'd say hello!


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