Friday, March 24, 2006

Losing time in life

I guess I'm aging as we speak. I haven't slept properly in over 72 hours. one hour tonight - one last - 1.45 the night before - yet when the sun comes up, the last thing on my mind is sleep - as most of the time I need to be busy working or just can't sleep cause it's daytime.

I have emotionally flatlined. This film has its ups/downs - as excited as I am about the whole production - i need separation from it. We're living in the world of the film out in Hamilton. It can get exhaustive. When others are sleeping - I'm killing my phone's batteries trying to make sure that we get everything that we need for that night. When night falls - everyone lectures me about being on set - but that's where all the magic happens - and what I've been working on steady steady steady for months on end - helping tNtFILMS get this film on screen.

The crew have been incredible - we wrapped out 2 hours early on our first day - UNHEARD OF. Usually the first is the worst. I'm not saying that there weren't any hiccups, but it went really well considering. The dailies that we have been getting for the days are hard working and very generous. The cast are on the ball and bringing everything they have to this film - they are simply incredible. The crew is working really well together.

The week before we went to camera - issues were brought up about the HVX-200 camera, that tNtFILMS purchased. Once Darryl had the opportunity to set up a camera test with this new beast, he found out that it reads at 200-250 iso - instead of the previously thought 500 iso. The scramble began for our crew - as we pushed through upping our lighting package and trying to figure out if shooting on this camera was the right choice for this first feature. After weighing out different options - Todd made the call to shoot on this package. Fingers crossed and prayers made, we plunged into The Storm. Hats off to the crew. When you look at the footage - it's incredible. Darryl and his team are lighting the shots so amazingly well - it's sick, seriously. The art department are doing a kick ass job with the locations. Once sound is laced onto this film, it's going to be incredible.

Tonight - at about 6.50pm I was asking about if Claire had picked up the contact lenses - when someone reminded me that she had a root canal that day and was possibly out of service. No one confirmed this situation - so here we go with a scramble. When fedex came by to deliver the package, chris and i were out of the house on runs, and everyone else in the house was out cold. The Fedex guy took the package with him. UGH. So now we're stuck, as the lenses play tonight. We had to go to this "Burlington"ish Fedex location and pick it up all before 7.30pm. I think I got us out there for 7.21pm - mind you most every cop had a reason to drop me a speeding ticket. So now our Gidim-zuls have bright white contact lenses - and are completely blind when the lenses are in - a new challenge we've been facing. But eerie looking, especially from far away. They have been using very interesting shots with the steadicam to cover the Gidim-zuls - so good news on that front.

I'm very excited about a lot of the different parts of this film. I wish I could change certain aspects of it - but I'll just have to look at them as hiccups and pray through these times. And continue to listen to Chris' Delirious CD that I snagged and put in the minivan for my long drives.

I just wish everyone would stop being so concerned about my sleeping patterns - some people just can't sleep during the daytime. I think i get to sleep today - only because at night I will be working on paperwork with Goose - and trying to catch up - cause we are three days behind now. I'm trying to find a missing invoice - so that has me slightly up in the air.

When Chris gets home - meeting. Then bed.

tomorrow is friday. might just travel home on the weekend in a production vehicle - as i need to travel with my files, or stay here to work through them.

I forgot to give Niki her fuzzy pink hat and scarf back. Thank you to her for being so caring. :)

Hugs to all I miss terribly. I can't wait to see you when all this craziness is done. Although - I live for the craziness! I was made for film I guess.

la la la. my eyes are heavy - and wrinkles are setting in...i am aging by the shooting day.....


At 12:12 PM, Blogger sue said...

you are crazy alison! i'm glad to hear things are going well -- i hope you get some rest -- prayers to yall.

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo -- I'll be coming here frequently to see how you're doing, so keep us updated (but not at the expense of food or sleep).


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