Tuesday, September 26, 2006

a marriage of the good and the bad.

sometimes it's hard to face yourself in the mirror.

i'm finding today to be one of those days. i'm in a terrible funk.

my words are not my own. it's a struggle.

over the last month I have absorbed so many words from people around me, and somewhere in the middle, i lost my filter and things started to build up. the good & the bad. trapped in a similar pocket of contemplation.

and deciphering my feelings is difficult.

i thank God for every blessing He has provided in my life. i also thank Him for the less attractive things in my life - because they too need attention and in the end, facing these things will complete who I am as a person.

words are like daggers. your spirit can only take so much before wanting to explode.

i feel that i'm at a point of overload.

the beauty of the words provided to my spirit far outweigh the shadows.

the light still shines.

the beautiful things that you say to me honestly make a difference in my day. you will never understand to what extent.

i want to be open.

oh, the hiccups.

i am afraid that i will build a wall around me that no one can penetrate. it's a defence mechanism. we all seek a different kind of shelter when dealing with our shadows.

why can't i just be me? i feel as though i am letting people down everywhere i turn.

i am happy with where I am in my life right now. i wish they could understand.

tomorrow has come.

i just want my workday to be done.

maybe all i needed was a hug.

maybe i'm just being a girl.



At 11:54 AM, Blogger sue said...

ahh alison, you are the cryptic queen these days! let's have a coffee sometime, i want more explanation. ;)

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Alison
You wrote this a week ago, and I hope your mood has improved over at the new job.
Just remember all of us who met you for the first time loved you


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