Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I like perching on chairs, but I was not made for trees

APRIL 24th, 2006

Today was the day that I had to drive the minivan back to Hamilton. Yup, our busted/dented rental van was going back. Mags got a quote at her mechanics, and I was to meet Tore in Niagara to get a quote at his mechanics. So I drive out - such a nice day. The vineyards are starting to blossom - it's great, I'm listening to Delirious?, love driving alone, I'm reflecting. I meet Tore up at his mechanics, get a quote and was asked to follow Tore home to drop off some things that were in the back of the van. We're going down all theses side roads. All of a sudden, he phones me up and is worried that I wouldn't get the van back to Hamilton on time (before Carter closes). So he pulls off the road into a strip mall parking lot. We jam everything into his lexus, and he gets into his car. Wait a minute!?! I have NO IDEA where I am - and he's leaving me alone. I knocked on his window to ask for directions back to the hwy, cause at this point, I have no idea where we are - all sideroads somewhere between Niagara and Welland. He deserted me!!! I was stunned.

The directions he gave were terribly unguided. I called Goose to ask for mapquest help (i didn't have a map with me either). Eventually, I actually found my way back. I'm normally very good with direction - it's just I wasn't paying attention because my head space was focusing on getting to Welland and not losing Tore on the road (you know, there is an etiquette behind 'guiding' another car through streets - you're not supposed to lose your partner). And I knew that driving from Welland to Hamilton was straight forward.

So i'm on the highway thinking about getting to Carter. I had a friend meeting me there to drive me back to Toronto. It was all perfect. I look back into the now empty van - oh my goodness - I'm missing a car seat!!! AHHHHH. I call Chris' home line - they aren't home yet (were in Ottawa for the weekend). Call magali asking about where the seat might have been. Driving a new Dodge van - the very back seat was a 'puller-downer', but I couldn't see any place that the middle seats would fold away. Magali is worried now. I can't return a van missing a seat!!!

I decide to drive by the Jones' house to see if there is a van seat in their garage. And who do I meet on Eastbourne - but Chris Jones himself. So funny. They just got home when I pulled up. Anyway - turns out that the middle seats do 'stow-and-go' - but it is terribly difficult to see. It took Chris 30mins to figure it out the first time. There is a mat hiding the connections. But when it's folded down it looks like there are hooks where you would put seat connectors from a chair that has been fully removed.

Anyway. He pulls up the seat and Caleb jumps into the car. I still need to clean the van and gas it up again. So we're getting it cleaned, including the 'chili stained front mat' from the first night. That stain does NOT come out in the least (shame). Can I tell you that by the end of the movie - we had returned TWO vans with CHILI STAINS in them. There was a mishap one day with the 12 seater - a chili bowl was knocked over and hit between the driver/passenger seats. Who are we?

Get the van back at the very LAST minute, and head out to the Jones' house to return my favorite partner Caleb and spend dinner with the Jones. Such a lovely end to a day - surprise visit with the Jones' family.

APRIL 29th, 2006

We were in Hamilton yesterday. Lisa, Magali and I joined forces to repaint and do touch ups at the Jones’ residence. I would brave Hamilton for that family – they truly are gems.

It was a fun day. Started off with a sleepover at my place (Goose spent the night). Watched a flick and chatted. Then our Saturday began. A trip to Union station first thing in the am. An important pick up at Cinnabon and a rush over to the bus to catch our GO transit to Hamilton. We opted to take the bus because the express was leaving 10-15 mins prior to the train. Of course, this is the weekend that the Gardiner was closed (cause last weekend was raining – and this weekend is beautiful) so the driving was very slow.

Arrived at the bus station in Hamilton and waited for our chariot to pick us up. We had the megaphone in the car with us. I told Chris about this time when I was testing out car replacements for my recently deceased “Red” and this one guy on the road who had a speaker system hooked up to the outside of his car so that he could talk to other drivers. He would comment on their ‘rude’ driving if need be. So Chris, the genius that he is, decides to lodge our megaphone into his sunroof. Oh my goodness.

Hamilton is like a big American city – there are certain areas where you have to watch your mouth/drive safely/roll up your windows and lock your doors. Those were the areas where we did not speak into the megaphone. The rule book went out the window the second we were in more ‘pleasant’ areas. We would each make comments to people around, and Chris even activated the siren through the megaphone. Silly fun that was well deserved.

Painting was fun. In the dining room, Goose, Chris and I worked on painting the ‘butter’ shade onto the salmony pink walls. All the while, Chris was telling us about the entire plot for the film “Lucky number Slevin”. We’re taping up newspaper to cover the intricate wood works through their house – using NOW and EYE newspapers – terrible choice in newspapers – all pornographic images and Chris has 5 children. This also was terribly amusing to us. Lisa was busy doing touch ups in the Kitchen. Eventually we all made our way to the bedroom where we began the touch ups of the green paint. You can only really work in the bedroom when the sun is out – otherwise you can’t see where the white primer is evident.

Chris eventually bailed out on us to drink beer with the neighbours. When we realized this – we shouted at him from his bedroom window. Vito!

We called it a day and sat down with the family to have dinner. So yummy – barbecued WEBERS burgers & hotdogs. Good ol’ Webers – if you don’t know what this place is – you need to take a drive up north. Half way between Toronto and my hometown of North Bay there lies this little place on the East side of Hwy 400 called Webers. This place is only open during spring/summer/fall – when the weather is good. Small little place – you stand in line outside just off the hwy, and either eat in your car, on a picnic table in their field or in the train cabin. It is an experience that a lot of cottage folk know about – and is so yummy. My family always stops in one direction when driving home or to Toronto. My brother and I always stop when the season permits.

After dinner, we headed out to the park with the kids in our ghetto painting clothes. Had a ton of fun. Played some tag – but Lisa smacked her hand pretty hard against the metal and her wrist swelled up pretty quickly. By this point – we had finished running around. Cate went home with Grace and the rest of us stayed back to wait for Chris who was going to meet us in the park. It was dark outside – but we still tried to play Frisbee. But that became pointless when you started to simply guard your face from being smacked.

Chris eventually showed up at the park and we hung out in this tree. So let me tell you about this tree.

Yesterday (April 28th) I spent the day with Linda (from church) rock climbing. Started out trying to find climbing shoes at MEC to no avail. Spent some time re-learning the knots and belaying procedures with another team of two. Had fun chatting it up with other climbers. Realized that we were the loudest team there – only because we were encouraging one another – and no one else seemed to be doing that. Did some bouldering. Met some guy who kept telling us to never give up. Never did climb the 3 story wall – barely made it up 2 stories. Was reminded that I have a great fear of heights but LOVE climbing none the less. Had a blast – had a lot of laughs – man did my arms and legs fall apart at the end of the day. Sadly, we will not be getting a membership to ‘The Rock Oasis’ together. I would love to, and still hope to find a climbing partner in the near future.

All this to say – that I love climbing – despite my fear of heights. Even after spending a day scaling walls, I could not for the life of me feel comfortable in this one tree we decided to climb. It was a cool tree with a lot of sitting spots. Eventually I made my way into the tree and Caleb opened up a spot for me – which I kindly declined, because it meant that I would have to move up this separate limb.

My fear of heights is strange. It really only comes into play when I am around a larger group of people. The more people are around me, the more nervous I get. It’s a trust thing. I love and trust everyone who was in the tree with me, but I get anxious in those situations. So anyway, despite spending a day scaling – I realized that a wall is one thing – a tree is a completely different scenario for me – no matter the height. I didn’t climb trees when I was a little girl. And to tell you the truth, the only story I remember about trees was when my dad put up the swings for the first time in the spring and I went to test it out and the knots came undone and I was thrown onto the pavement and busted up both my knees. Other than that, I would have those falling dreams when I was a kid, and in Earlton we had that big tree outside our window and all I can remember is dreaming about falling through the limbs of that tree.

I perch on chairs. I was nicknamed “Perchy” on Wild Card because of the way I perched on this chair in the office. But get me in a tree and I become more of a sloth – hugging the limbs rather than enjoying my perching abilities.

Upon our return to the Jones’ household, we spent some time with Claire & friends – as she celebrated her birthday. We had brownies and ice cream. Yummy. Then the lot of us gathered around the living room and watched “Snatch” through the night.

That night, Lisa, Magali and I drove home and had fun catching up on a week sans production.

APRIL 30th, 2006

Today is Sunday april 30th. The last day of the fourth month of the year. I have yet to enjoy a part of this year it is simply flying by me. sad.

Today is my parent’s anniversary – their 29th. Byron’s bday – I believe it’s his 32nd, but I’m not sure. And today is also a “Swine girl” (we were swines in university – our residence floor/house was the “Swine House”) gathering for Sarah who is leaving for Nairobi in early may. And I’m currently missing it – it’s 2.38pm and I’m supposed to be at Javaville – and things are delaying me. eep eep eep.

I feel like I’m letting people down lately – and I don’t know what to do about this. I feel like everyone is so understanding but I’m upset that my mind is aloof lately.

Glah glah glah

I have to either enjoy living in this basement apartment or hand in my letter of departure to my landlady tomorrow. Still trying to figure out what to do there. trying and trying

I finally found an apartment by the waterfront that is affordable. The apartment building is actually a coop – and may have 2 bdrm apartments available for September – CRAZY. I definitely want to live there once in my life, that is by the water in Toronto. We’ll see how things pan out – my mind is very rushed with decision making lately.


Today was nice!

Goose came down with Chris’ car from Richmond Hill. I convinced her to join me with the girls at Javaville and also to come to church to see Chris & Catherine (who were coming down to pick up their car and also to see people at Freedomize). She agreed. We spent the first part of the afternoon with the girls. Quick catch up (as we were behind schedule) It was funny, cause at one point this girl who was sitting nearby overheard us talking about Africa. She came by to introduce herself. It turns out that she works for a similar organization as Sarah and has actually been in Nairobi working with some companies within the youth sector. They were able to exchange phone numbers and information. Small world. Sarah is two weeks away from her departure – so meeting people like this will be a real morale booster for her.

Church was really nice. Cyril’s sermon was great – it provided me with the kick in the face I needed and have been looking for a while. Worship was great too – even though the turn out was small, the music resonated through the crowd. It’s been a while since worship has truly moved me, so it was fantastic to be there. It’s also a different experience for me to go to Freedomize. Ever since the film began, I have been able to meet so many people within the community that is Freedomize – and it has been a tremendous blessing and wonderful experience. I feel like part of the community now – and even though I was before, it never really hit me until recently. It feel really good to be at church. It was sad however, as one of our members was leaving for the summer on an adventure, and I wasn’t able to join the team for their send off. Next time. : )

Today, I just feel good. At this point in time, I hope that I am able to get into that apartment building – it is in such a quaint little area. Yonge & Eglinton is really nice – but it would be wonderful to be on the waterfront. Wake up and walk outside to step onto a rollerblading trail – I would love that. I don’t really know how to brake yet – so my area (hilly, road bumpy, pot holey) is kind of intimidating for me in terms of rollerblading. I might just have to brave it though.


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