I'm excited to announce...
That I am officially back online at my apartment. :)
I finally hooked up my wireless internet...watched over by this creepy kitty that my land lady is catsitting. I had to set up the account through their home computer, and the whole time this cat was stalking me. He has like mutant paws and seemed like he wanted to be vicious towards me.
But it's all done!!! The hook up and the cat encounter.
And you will finally get official updates with pictures. FINALLY.
First up will be my dinner date last night with Mike and Megarrah, and the yet to be officially named cactus friend of mine (a housewarming present from my brother!).
Oh - yeah, and the pot that the cactus lives in.
My apartment is FINALLY where it should be at...after two more full time days of cleaning to have it all uber sexy for my guests of honour.
It was lovely.
More to come...on life and last night!
It's soooo good to be back online. :)
Photo: Travelling home from Tobermory, On - September 16th, 2007
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