Sunday, January 29, 2006

Spring like weather

The big question: will winter ever come this year? and if so, with what force?

Yesterday I wore a skirt and my Uggs (still breaking them in). It was so friggin beautiful outside - clear blue skies and warm (for winter, but in the ++++s)

The raptors won 124 - 123 against the Sacramento Kings. We led for most of the game, until the very end, where the refs were beginning to make crappy calls against our team. We were in our first overtime at 112 a piece, and with about 7 secs left, we scored a two pointer to take the lead. It's really nice when a game is so close - because the crowds really get into the spirit. This inflatable/suit raptor came onto the floor at one point and would make his inflatable jaw eat people's heads. That was fun. :) Definitely something you had to be there to see.

Next year, I definitely want to travel to Buffalo and catch an NFL game (would be awesome) and also check out Cornerstone this year. Crossing fingers. After this movie is done, I'd like to move back downtown and catch more concerts and games. Living at Y & E is great - the atmosphere and mood are amazing. Quaint area. But I like walking to my destinations, and I can really get into that if I were downtown again.

My writing is not very smooth tonight. A lot on my mind I guess, and out of personal writing practise.

We had our open cast call yesterday. The crowd was constant. We didn't see a single break until we closed the doors to the outsiders at 9pm. It was great, and I think that Todd was able to see some good talent, some actors really spoke the parts well. Tuesday is another 7-8hrs of slotted audition time at the Centre for the Arts, followed by call backs on Thursday. The process of auditioning is an interesting one - it's the first time you truly begin to see the script coming to play. You see where the story works and where adjustments in dialogue need to be made. Tomorrow I meet with Sheilagh again in regards to our SPFX makeup needs and also head out to Hamilton with some crew members as we do a night location scout. Since we're shooting 90% at night, it's almost best to see these locations at the times when we'll be shooting. Also a great part of pre-production is locking locations and visualizing the world of the film before you.

It's funny, cause film is a very unique and interesting field of work - and from the outside it looks so glamorous. My mother always tells me I lead such an exciting life and I laugh at her. I work from home and am on the phone/internet for 10-16 hrs/day working. It doesn't feel glamorous for me until we get to set. There, magic happens. It's a great journey from script to screen. There is something beautiful in creating a story that can touch so many people on so many levels. I am blessed to be where I am today.

I'm 25 years old - I love my job. That's a rarety. It hasn't been easy - and I've played many roles behind the scenes (i've truly loved every job and learned something new from each experience). I'm excited to see where this film will take me next. I am very excited for where tNtFILMS will be after the release of TS. Our crew is expanding every day it feels, and it's such a wonderful team that's being brought together for this production. A very strong contrast from the last production I was on. That being said, I miss the crap out of Julie and Jess, who I worked with side by side for several hectic months. (couldn't have done it without you, love you guys!!!)

It's very humbling to have the opportunity to work with such passionate and beautiful people.

The future just feels right, for the first time in a long time.

Nothing but smiles on my face, and strong faith in my heart. God is great! :)


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